The I_COMP and I_COMP_CHECK parameters are used to control which applications the IDoc data is transferred to for posting. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. A cost center is a business division that raises the company’s expense but not the profit. The check box in the Mark column is selected, and an information icon is shown in the Primary payment column. However, when the document is posted, the. PUBLIC Document Version: SAP S/4HANA 1709 FPS02 – 2018-04-13 Central FinanceHi, I would like to know in which EXIT or BADI I should append my new segment to the idoc data. Verteilung von CO-Belegen nach S/4HANA über den DOC-Basistypen CODCMT01 - Hallo zusammen,für die Verteilung von FI-Dokumenten von einem ECC-System nach S/4Hana-System haben wir den IDOC-Basistypen FIDCCP02 aufgebaut, was auch gut funktioniert. If you want to distribute master data changes with the SMD tool (Shared Master Data), changes to the master data objects are flagged for distribution by change pointers (-> Steps to Re-process the IDOC ID: Step 1: 1. Follow RSS Feed Hi all, can anyone post an example of the FIDCCP02 IDOC? I'm using WE19 and allways get errors. This idoc will be generated when an accounting document is created (FB01) or changed (FB02). The IDOC is posted successfully in sender system, and idoc can be sent to receiver system, with status 53. But unfortunately there is a "but", and thus I would like to post some feedback that you might consider for updating the content. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). I am trying to do this for a customer invoice through FIDCCP02 and it is not posting. In the Partnerprofiles i maintained this data combination. 0. 3) We need to configure. We are using the IDOC type ACC_DOCUMENT03 with BAPI, BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST to generate the accounting document. FI - Asset Accounting (FI-AA) The object that classifies the business transaction (for example, acquisition, retirement, or transfer), and determines how the transaction is processed in the SAP system. Basic type FIDCCP02. Hi, I am using the basic IDOC type FIDCCP02 and sending the billing information to the PI system. Click to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). 2. I have followed this steps. The I doc structure consists of 3 parts –. RSS Feed. I'm testing the interface in the IR and I get the correct result. Add the created segments in the hierarchy shown. Glen Anthony. If standard transaction is not working as per the expectations raise an OSS note to SAP or if you want to validate transaction type, find a BADI or user exit and add your logic for validating transaction type which will solve your purpose. Can. Sales And Distribution (SD) SAP R/3; SAP R/3 Enterprise 4. When the message type FIDCC1/FIDCC2 been used for FI invoice IDoc outbound processing, different branch logic at the standard program been triggered. Advance Reporting > Compensation > Compensation. Invoices are automatically created for purchase orders that have been marked for self-billing and also have a goods receipt. Hi All, I would like to know if there is a BAPI or FM to create F-47 (Down payment request). Step 2: On Down Payment Request: Header Data, update the following details. Thanks & Regards, Sowmya1. 44 Views. segment E1FISEG. 7 and FIDCCP02 for SAP 6. However the controlling document is not getting created for all the cost centres. then 3 options will appear in next screen. One requirement is to append customized segments (which store header details and item details separately) at IDOC FIDCC2 (with Basic type FIDCCP02) which will generate synchronized when customer invoice been created. Create Extension for Basic Type ARBCIG_DELINS (Tcode WE30) 3. E1FIKPF (FI Document Header (BKPF)) Table in SAP. We come accross IDOC FIDCCP02 (Basic Idoc type) and IDOC_INPUT_FIDCC1 function module for above scenario, pls let me know will it work or not? We are using RFBIBL00 (Batch Input Documents) program to posting the FI documents to SAP through file interface. IDOC gets succesfully posted and generates FI. The contain of both IDOC in sender and receiver system is same, but unfortunately IDOC in receiver system there's a. I'm trying to write an XML IDoc file into our Dev SAP system as a proof-of-concept. Outbound Processing FM for IDOC type FIDCCP01. But when I am testing the inbound idoc using we19, it gives a no. If there is a check statement like check 1 = 2 in an include program before yours, your code will never get executed. Hi All, I am Posting a Accounting document in R/3 though Idoc FIDCCP02. Glen Anthony. 1) I think we need to find the Enhancement / BADI which is getting triggered while doc created /. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. FIDCC2 FIDCCP02 IDOC_INPUT_FIDCC2. The IDoc is getting posted correctly and the document is also getting created. Generate the IDOC type and ALE interface using BDFG, in customer namespace. Accounting transaction not permitted for posting in FI/CO. Line Item 2: Cr. The segments can take care of your requirements. This is BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST. The tax segment being produced in the document is incorrect. Follow. Symptom. Select the IDOCs where change pointers are to be activated and save. a. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. 588554. 7 and SAP ECC 6. The IDoc adapter fills the IDoc control record with data. May 28, 2010 at 05:11 AM. Hello, We need to post journal entries in SAP from a non SAP system. 1, DataWeave introduced an experimental feature that enables you to dump the input context and the failing script into a folder so that you can track the failing script along with the data that makes the script fail. " I have a question about the data transfer of FI-CA to G/L. Import IDocs (FIDCCP02 ) 3. I have for this example used a max size of 3 to make testing easier. The reason of faulty is correct, but i do not really understand why an FIDCCP02 is created. 109108. Then you should look at exit 008 (EXIT_SAPLF050_008) and exit 002 (EXIT_SAPLF050_002), for populating this. However, when I use FBV0 to attempt to post any of the created parked documents I get 1 of 2 errors. In segment E1FISEC, I enter the one time vendor info. Create Basic IDoc type – Transaction WE30. e. . Hi, I need to send outbound idoc of type FIDCCP02. When processing of the BAPI (or the entire package) is complete, the status records of all the IDocs and all application data generated by the successfully completed BAPIs are written together to the database. You will get the change document no and the change id as well as other parameters. dmbtr. You may choose to manage your own preferences. Some fields have to be filled with specific values to park accounting document via. hkont. From technical point of view it looks like Idoc inbound processing is not reaching this piece of code where TXJDP is filled. But by posting an FI Document an IDoc with IDoc type FIDCCP02 is created but faulty with the reason of not existing entries in the outbound table. Use. It depends on the IDoc message type and assigned processing function if more information is available. 1 and generated a Java client. I'm creating accounting documents with idoc (Message type: FIDCC2, Idoc Type: FIDCCP02). FIDCCP02 is the Idoc for FICA document that gets transferred to FICO for GL posting purpose. Glen Anthony. png (20. Image Description: Import Parameters of the RFC Function Module. For example, the accounting document posted is 0100000025 in company code 1234, and fiscal year 2021. Here, we are posting the document using the IDOC FIDCCP02 which is working fine. I came across this issue when we executed the report KSB1. When I send a request to the endpoint from Java, PI returns a SOAP fault. One requirement is to append customized segments (which store header details and item details separately) at IDOC FIDCC2 (with Basic type FIDCCP02) which. After executing the BAPI, you can see the posted accounting document number in the Export Parameters section. Add a Comment. IDOC gets succesfully posted and generates FI document as well (visible in FB03). We need to generate an iDoc from an external source which will create an AB Accounting Document in SAP R/3. I have created the new segment to add new Z fields that I added before on the BSEG, and I have created FIDCCP02 IDoc for Invoice Status. Enterprise Software. If the parameters are set to blank (' '), the IDoc data is updated in all applications that are active in the target system. Hi balaji, I remember having answered a very similar question recently. Step 2. Hello. conn. This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Customer-Exit in this FM and was able to change the control record. IDoc Interfaces for EDI. We are using Idocs to send the data to the CORP system and the Idoc is populated with these custom fields. Say for eg: 0000701813 – change pointer no. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition. 200 for ESA and 100 to ESE. year 2099 and it could be active. The generic process function transforms the IDoc data to the raw structure of the interface. Hi, One of the standard IDOC for posting accounts is Message type (ACC_DOCUMENT), and an FM IDOC_INPUT_ACC_DOCUMENT "NOT released' uses same. Is it possible to get all the values like ZLSPR, BELNR AND AUGBL for this. Try putting your include program above all other custom includes. Hi guru, I am trying post extension ZFIDCP02 linked basic type FIDCCP02 and message type FIDCC2 IDoc in R/3 (4. FIDCCP02 - automatic tax calculation. 39. Custom segment have five fields, one out of five only i found it is BSEG table, rest of four is custom fields. thanks in advance. i need a help for USER EXIT in inbound system to move the data from custom segment to custom. Data is exchanged between application systems in a controlled manner and consistency is maintained. In this IDoc I want to send field 't_e1fiseg-prctr' with no. i need a help for USER EXIT in inbound system to move the data from custom segment to custom table. Cross-Application Components. BECS Documentation B000xxxxx Step by step guide for setting of SAP ALE Outbound iDOC communication Page 4 of 16 ALE is based on application to application integration using messaging architecture. Type in the relevant message and execute. . years. So far so good, it works. Exit after updating master data of IDOC type FIDCCP02 in inbound isde. I created a custom one as standard one is not released yet, My question is how to handle records if number of records in flat file coming from legacy. Thanks @mmj7_lpa @jchennuFrom your question what I can understand is, you are not able to find Customer exits for outbound process; 1. hello. 8 kB)Hi, One of the standard IDOC for posting accounts is Message type (ACC_DOCUMENT), and an FM IDOC_INPUT_ACC_DOCUMENT "NOT released' uses same. Image Description: Structure of the export parameter “EX_IDOC_DATA” of the RFC Function Module. Go to the Transaction “ WE02 “. I checked and noticed that BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST is NOT working for this. But by posting an FI Document an IDoc with IDoc type FIDCCP02 is created but faulty with the reason of not existing entries in the outbound table. I assume that the reason is the used function module 'FI_IDOC_CREATE_FIDCC1' (i think that is used) and the IDoc type that is used is hard coded FIDCCP02. Create an RFC function module for extracting the IDOC data. Aug 08, 2008 at 07:22 AM. 2) GL side with the gross amount entered only. When using RFBIBL00 one can enter the markfield XMWST (calculate tax automatically) in header BBKPF and field NEWKO (Account or Matchcode. What should be the perfect standard IDoc Type for Inbound NonPO Vendor Invoice posting. You can give the name of the segment which you want to come before the IDoc. When executing General Ledger Allocation Assessments (FAGLGA15) field VRGNG is not populated in table ACDOCA. This IDOC is associated with message type FIDCC2. Kindly provide the information about automatic calculation tax in above Idoc Dump Input Context and the Script into a Folder. Generate the IDOC type and ALE interface using BDFG, in customer namespace. 5. Release the object using the menu path Edit -> Set Release. 6c) via IBM Websphere (Inbound IDoc), I am use inbound function module IDOC_INPUT_FIDCC2 and activate exit 008 (EXIT_SAPLF050_008) and exit 002 (EXIT_SAPLF050_002), In the extension ZFIDCP02 and under E1FISEG, I am add my segment. 3. I've extended an idoc FIDCCP02 to add another segment which holds 2 fields . Please use basic type and message type as given below. Find SAP product documentation, Learning Journeys, and more. I am using Inbound IDOC FIDCCP02 , using EXIT_SAPLF050_006 I am trying to modify the source data, its updating IDOC_DATA, but after posting when I check in IDOC the new values are not populating, can any body have suggestion what going wrong here. Hi @shekhmuenuddeen (Customer) , . Double-click to expand Partner type LS node and then click the vendor that you want to maintain for the partner profile. I have some sample XML as input flowing into a tXMLMap component, then converted from Document to String and finally wired into a tSAPIDocOutput component. In the Partnerprofiles i maintained this data combination. If you cannot find a valid text field in the existing segments of this Idoc then you have to enhance this basic idoc type to include a. E1FISEC is a standard IDoc Interfaces for EDI Structure in SAP CA application. Afterwards, implement the attached source code corrections into your system and activate the objects. Create an FI document using tcode FB01 with company code BJ01. 2) Using function *FIDCC2 we can generate IDOC. Click Continue. The BAPI works fine without the tax data but we need the tax data also to get posted for the line items. A New Home in New Year for SAP Community: Exciting times ahead for the SAP Community!For a vendor, on the All vendors list page, go to Invoice > Settle open transactions. e,,PORDCR103 My source data contained with purchase order details, some purchase order data is with multiple lines@Tushar SmhdjRLEt (Customer) Hi there, . 2. Custom segment have five fields, one out of five only i found it is BSEG table, rest of four is custom fields. CLEAR w_idoc. Can any one tell me what all Standard outbound processing Function module I can use to create this type. Steps to Re-process the IDOC ID: Step 1: 1. IDoc Interfaces for EDI. Integration. Steps to be followed: Enhance the data type. I coud'nt find an exit or someting to fill my custom segment. The reason of faulty is correct, but i do not really understand why an FIDCCP02 is created. First set breakpoint in program where it is calling exit 'EXIT_SAPLF050_003'. 3) Goto transaction code. This may tell you why the document could not be posted. So, as you can see, we are using IDOC FIDCCP02. I'm using the following fields: E1FIKPF : FI Document Header (BKPF) BUKRS : Name of global company code. How can we transfer IDOC PROCESSED information back to System A. But the user has made some postings using Tax Code T1 and the GL. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). Cloud Platform Integration will connect the smtp mail server. functionality to achieve. To display the IDOC information i. dmbtr. you have to analyze T001B yourself. Follow. Now my requirement is when user park the document it should trigger the custom outbound function module which will generate the idoc of type FIDCCP02. RSS Feed. Extended withholding taxes. We need to build one custom object in SRM. Do one thing, first make the max occurence of the IDoc segment as unbounded. 2 kB) Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 15. The IDoc is getting posted correctly and the document is also getting created. Here are the steps to do posting F-47 (Down Payment Request) via BAPI and BTE with 1 line item: 1) Create a new function group using transaction code SE80. The application data ( Data Record) – Which contains the data. Afterwards, the SAP Application Interface Framework is called to process the data. Process code FID2. This IDOC is associated with message type FIDCC2. hello. I am using FIDCCP02 IDOC for FI posting. To achieve this, retrieve the PO number the goods receipt is posted for (BSEG-EBELN). Follow. 2) E1FISEG - 2lines ( 1 for credit anf 1 for debit) 3) E1FISET segment with the net and tax amounts. We are running on ECC6 and have set up idoc FIDCCP02 to be generated at each accounting posting. 2. Cross-Application Components. 3. -. Treasury updates via IDOC FIDCCP02 - SAP Q&A Relevancy Factor: 1. The tSAPIDocOutput is derived from a SAP iDocs entry in my Repository under SAP Connections. Can. Requirement: Check mark the field 'Calculate Tax' on the second screen of F-02 transaction so that the TAX will be automatically calculated. hello. Step 12 : In transaction WE30 we can check the IDOC created. "1. Hello. For some case we need to do automatic tax calculation so for that I am setting XMWST field in IT_ACCIT table in user exit. Dear All, In T-Code VF02, while releasing ( Release to Accounts ) the billing doc. If you give *, the system expects a tax code to be entered while posting to that account. IDoc Types for Inbound Messages (SD) The following inbound EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) messages are available in the standard system. I have a requirement where i need to fire an idoc type FIDCCP02 from transaction FB01. Hello experts, We are doing an FI posting using FIDCCP1. Now i want move these custom fields to custom table ( i. The data in the transaction currency were transferred from the calling application. In the Partnerprofiles i maintained this data combination. One requirement is to append customized segments (which store header details and item details separately) at IDOC FIDCC2 (with Basic type FIDCCP02) which will generate synchronized when customer invoice been created. XMWST, user exits, customer enhancement, MRMH, EDI, IDoc, customer exit, e_rbkpv-xmwst, IDOC_INPUT_INVOICE_MRM , KBA , MM-IV-GF-EDI , Electronic Data Interchange. 7 system needs to be posted on SAP 6. bschl. Depending on your processes, your IDOC message type can be either FIDCCP02 or INVOIC02. Custom segment have five fields, one out of five only i found it is BSEG table, rest of four is custom fields. do we need to do some setting in WE41 and WE20 inorder. These can be found in the following SAP menu: SAP menu -> Tools -> ALE -> Master Data Distribution. e. Click on execute button then it will display the information of IDOC as shown in. type ( BLART) "You can use user exits EXIT_SAPLF050_004 (FM IDOC_INPUT_FIDCC1) or user exits EXIT_SAPLF050_006 (FM IDOC_INPUT_FIDCC2) to set IDoc status to 68 if the document type (BLART) = 'AB'. I went into one of the user exits in FB01 but the breakpoint is never reached. E1FIKPF. Step 12 : In transaction WE30 we can check the IDOC created. My current requirement is to send FIDCCP02 IDocs to our partner system. Businesses may categorize business units as profit centers, cost centers, or investment centers. I wrote the logic in user exit EXIT_SAPLF050_006. Not yet a member on the new home? Join today and start participating in the discussions!A New Home in New Year for SAP Community: Exciting times ahead for the SAP Community!Hi, How to set Calculate Tax flag in S4 while posting the document through IDoc FIDDCCP01, Message type FIDCC1 from SAP PI. The segment field will be displayed in the IDOC, only if it has any value. Follow. FIDCCP02 - automatic tax calculation. choose first option ie extend from basic type by entering the name of basic type. do we need to do some setting in WE41 and. In other words, there are no controlling documents being created, only FI documents. The IDoc that most resembles my input file (and how FI is structured, with BKPF, BSEG, etc. but haven't activated the distribution model in time. In segment E1FISEG, field HKONT I enter 'ONETIME' (one time vendor). I need your help to configure partner profile in WE2. But I searched and. Hi, We have done one File to IDoc scenario in our PI 7. - FI document (FIDCC2/FIDCCP02) - Controlling Document (CODCMT/CODCMT02) Requirement is to change the control-record of the above 2 Idocs. The quickest way to check this: 1, EXIT_SAPLF050_005 controls whether FIDCC2 Outgoing IDoc should be sent out or. Goto the following path in TCODE: SPRO. We understand that data in SAP are stored in SAP tables, with specific field requirement like data type and Length of field. We try to post a document in foreign currency via idoc FIDCCP02 but the amount in internal currency is automatically calculated: In the idoc, we define : the currency code, the amount in local currency (DMBTR) and in transaction currency (WRBTR). This object (upon final approval) should trigger the creation of Down Payment Request in ECC (Tcode F-47) System. In Mule 4. Go to transaction code WE82 and link the FIDCC2 message type to the /ARBA/FIDCCP02 extension. User Exit for Inbound IDOC FIDCCP02 - FIDCC2 - SAP Q&A Relevancy Factor: 1. However, while processing IDOC for FI posting we are getting message “Balancing field Profit Center in line item 001 not filled- Message number -GLT2201”. png (39. Output mode 3 :. Relevancy Factor: 1. It's all standard SAP functionality and the transfer works fine but (there's always a but) when the data is transferred to G/L the journal entries are not. Infact I could post the IDoc in ECC. Enter the Vendor ID (Withholding Tax Enabled )of the Vendor to be Invoiced. 3) Goto transaction code FIBF to create the BTE for. Use tcode BD64 to setup a distribution with message type FIDCC2, and. Fidccp02 TCodes Most important Transaction Codes for Fidccp02 # TCODE Description Application; 1 : FB01: Post Document FI - Financial Accounting: 2 : WE19: Test tool. For this fucntion module you have to pass proper partner profile then that idoc will sent to requried destination. For some of the processes we've identified user exits to write needed data to memory and afterwards. Step 1) Enter transaction FB60 in SAP Command Field. E1FISEG (FI Document Item (BSEG)) Table in SAP. ZLSPR tells whether it's blocked or not. G/L assgt field (BSEG-HZUON) is not visible. I saw that the SAP RDS recommends ACC_DOCUMENT03, but this idoc has no POSTING KEY field (BSCHL) and not the partner field VBUND. Note 2313879. We are using PI 7. Cost is a simple concept to grasp. Thanks in advance. Now in the inbound parameters cehck what is the process code is attached. I'm trying to design an Inbound interface using Idoc type FIDCCP02 with MSG type FIDCC1. However complete end-to-end scenario (OutboundFinancial Accounting (FI) SAP R/3; SAP R/3 Enterprise 4. I am using standard idoc,i. Hi Experts, How to trigger outbound IDOC FIDCCP02 for Accounting document post through FB01/BAPI. The file currently contains FIDCCP02 Idocs. secondly, while working with Mule 3, I used to set. e for a transaction which does not have any table control / looping at screen table. Message type :FIDCC2/ IDOC FIDCCP02 - outbound IDOC clearing the document Relevancy Factor: 1. For FIDCC2, we could find FM 'FI_IDOC_CREATE_FIDCC2' which is hit during FPG1. In the Cross rate field, enter the exchange rate between. Add a Comment. Hi, As per my understanding there is no standard output program for this idoc type so yuou have to create custom program whcih will trigger this idoc by using the function module MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE. In the SAP standard system, only the FI document, general ledger and. You can do this with any segment of your IDoc. Actual check is. The posting can be created multiply idocs with 998 lines and the post a balance on each item. SAP Database Tables. I check on the setting, in BD64 i maintained the distribution model and allocated the profile numbers as well. Scenario : Inbound Idoc : message type : FIDCCP02 . The highest number always represents the latest version. hkont. Then you should look at exit 008 ( EXIT_SAPLF050_008 ) and exit 002 (EXIT_SAPLF050_002), for populating this. IDOC status 51 means application document is not posted. So we have FI documents but unfortunately no FIDCC2 IDocs. Enter the Idoc as shown in the below. mwskz. COURSE OUTLINE. Source XML Structure: <InvoiceHDR>6 Answers. Select the latest entry by sorting the change pointer no in descending sequence. After you have imported these files, the new IDoc type FIDCCP02 is available which contains a new segment for the data of the extended withholding tax. i am getting the below error: No account is specified in item 0000001002 Message no. Now, I´ve change the Message mapping (a sort change, for example change the description), save and activate, and now the result is not ok. Can you please guide me in this ? Thanks in Advance . idoc. Kann man mit diesen IDocs auch offene Posten von einem System zum anderen schicken, so das im Empfängersystem der Beleg als offener Posten (debitorisch und kreditorisch möglich) angelegt wird und für einen Zahllauf bzw. Course Version: 06 Course Duration: 3 Day(s)privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. Hello, I have a problem I need to use an IDoc to create incoming invoices from a legacy system, but there are 2 functionalities that need to exist. Basically there is a scheme where vendors allow a discount if they. The Ariba Network adapter for SAP NetWeaver also supports transmission of invoices that are created through self billing. 30. It's basic data was configured on PI IDX2 and it is loaded just fine: What could be possibly wrong? Thank's! Flavio. Step 9 : Once the Z message type is created. I need all the three values at the same time. Message Type: FIDCC2. This tool is particularly useful for checking that received input. FIDCCP02. Step 1. SPRO > SAP NetWeaver > Application Server > Idoc interface/ALE > Modeling and Implementing Business Process > Master data distribution > Replication of modified data > activate change pointers for message types. Write the code in USER EXIT ZXM06U60 (for Scheduling Agreement) Create a new Z-Segment (Tcode WE31) Then set it released by press F3, Go to Menu->Edit->Set Release. You need to create an SAP Application Interface Framework interface and you have to maintain a raw and an SAP data structure. In the Partner profiles: Outbound parameters screen, maintain the following values: Partner No. E1FISEC. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition. Step 2) In the Next Screen, Enter Company Code you want to post invoice to. One requirement is to append customized segments (which store header details and item details separately) at IDOC FIDCC2 (with Basic type FIDCCP02) which will generate synchronized when customer invoice been created. However, after posting the document, when I run FBL3N for the special GL, the assignment field displayed is actually taking from BSEG-HZUON but I. 7; SAP ERP Central Component; SAP ERP; SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP; SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANAHi Alessandro, I like the idea of this blog. BLART : Document. DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); mt. Hi Guys, I have a small prob for field PROJK in the IDOC data. BUC: CML/FI/SL/EC interaction. F-47 to vendor. Mar 07, 2014 at 11:55 AM. Procedure. PEXR2002 PAYEXT (Payment Order to bank) Thanks. 6c) via IBM Websphere (Inbound IDoc), I am use inbound function module IDOC_INPUT_FIDCC2 and activate exit 008 (EXIT_SAPLF050_008) and exit 002 (EXIT_SAPLF050_002), In the extension ZFIDCP02 and under E1FISEG, I am. Step 2. 6. System behavior Analysis: While posting a FI document either from different SAP system or legacy system via IDOC we noticed that it is not generating any extra tax line. I have modified user exit EXIT_SAPLF050_006 (include ZX050U06) like this: LOOP AT idoc_data. BECS Documentation B000xxxxx Step by step guide for setting of SAP ALE Outbound iDOC communication Page 3 of 16 1 Document mission This document was created as a. Now I tried to add idco segement E1FISET to Idoc. We are using FIDCCP02 basic type for posting FI document from a third party system via XI. Hello. SAP Database Tables. Step 11 : With Z Message Type , Z FM’s for both Inbound and Outbound gets created. Your exact requirement (as far a I understood it) wont be fulfilled with standard FMs. Digital Invoice Mexico: IDoc basic type FIDCCP02 Extension. I have an interface to send Invoice Status. Using idoc FIDCCP02 with foreign currencies. This is the only information maintained . This is referred to as the Control record.